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Biotech tools for the phytosanitary management of chestnut groves

Recent trials in Tuscany, Italy

Convidamos a assistir à palestra "Biotech tools for the phytosanitary management of chestnut groves: recent trials in Tuscany, Italy", pelo Dr. Matteo Bracalini, a ter lugar no Auditório do Edifício da Estação Florestal Nacional, no INIAV em Oeiras, no dia 02 de Dezembro, às 11.00h, com duração de 1h.

Biotech tools for the phytosanitary management of chestnut groves

recent trials in Tuscany, Italy




In the broad context of a regional project, aimed to  improve the management and sustainability (both economically and environmentally) of chestnut groves, the preliminary results of innovative phytosanitary measures are presented. More specifically, the presentation will be focusing on the use of entomopathogenic nematodes as well as mating disrupting techniques for the control of chestnut fruit pests (e.g. Curculio spp., Cydia spp.). The results of endotherapic injections by using Trichoderma spp. will also be touched upon, concerning their effect on the major nut rot agent Gnomoniopsis castaneae as well as on the Asian chestnut gall wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus and its exotic antagonist Torymus sinensis.


Matteo Bracalini

Speaker bio

Matteo Bracalini is a forest entomologist at the University of Florence, Italy , Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment, and Forestry (DAGRI), where he is currently holding the position of researcher. His most recent work has been focused on integrated pest management, monitoring and diagnostics of alien pests, and insect-pathogen interactions.


Local do evento: Auditório Edifício Estação Florestal Nacional
