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EJP SOIL Workshop on C Farming
The EJP SOIL Work Package (WP)  8 ‘Science to Policy’, will host a workshop on Carbon Farming on 31st May 2022.

Aims: facilitate knowledge exchange between key stakeholders on this topic and identify future steps for research to support carbon farming activities involving agricultural soils. These steps will be used to shape action and research in Europe.

Workshop Objective: This workshop  will explore how existing scientific knowledge can both inform and help to shape carbon farming policies and development of business models. 

Speakers from a wide range of organisations, including, DG Clima, DG Agri, and the EJP SOIL - Carboseq and -Road4Schemes projects along with financial institutions involved in carbon farming schemes will present their plans and perspectives. The event will also host a session on carbon farming experiences enabling knowledge sharing activities between organisations and initiatives that have experience with different aspects of carbon farming schemes from conception to implementation. 

To register for the event you can click the link Here you can contact Avion Phillips at Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar. for more information.