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As investigadoras do INIAV, Teresa Carita e Rosário Marques estão a participar no "Joint Seminar of the FAO-CIHEAM Networks on Pasture and Forage Crops and on Sheep and Goat Nutrition - Alternative feed resources and their management for transiting towards a sustainable ruminant production", onde apresentam dois trabalhos:

  • Teresa P. Carita, Miguel M. Martins, Noémia M. Farinha. 2022. Preliminary evaluation of the agronomic, utilization and nutritive value of four annual forage species of the genus Vicia under Mediterranean rainfed conditions 
  • Maria R. Marques, José. M. Ribeiro, Ana T. Belo, Carlos C. Belo. 2022. Types of weaning in Serra da Estrela ewes: lambs’ growth vs milk production and quality, under different feeding strategies. 

O seminário decorre na Catania (Itália) entre 27 e 29 de Setembro de 2022.

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