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No próximo dia 17 de abril, pelas 10h, no auditório do edifício da ex-Estação Florestal Nacional (INIAV, Oeiras), irão decorrer duas palestras no âmbito da visita ao INIAV. de dois professores provenientes da Universidade de Praga (Republica Checa).



resnerováForest pest challenges in the Czech Republic (Os desafios colocados pelas pragas florestais na Republica Checa)

Associate Professor Karolina Resnerová
Karolina Resnerová graduated in Systematic Biology and Ecology at the University of Ostrava and PhD in Forest Protection and Game Management at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. Currently she is an associate professor at the Department of Forest Protection and Entomology at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. Her scientific work focuses on insect pathology, forest entomology and the study of invasive species on woody plants in forest and urban environments.



A monitoring network for the detection of invasive ambrosia and bark beetles: principles and proposed design (Rede de monitorização para a deteção de espécies invasoras de insetos subcorticais: princípios e metodologia)

HolušaProf. Jaroslav Holuša

Jaroslav Holuša studied forest engineering at the Mendel University in Brno, and pedagogy at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. Nowadays, he is a head of Department of Forest Protection and Entomology in the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. His main areas of interest are entomology, insect ecology, insect-plant interactions, insect pathology, control of insects, and integrated pest management.