Small Fruit Production
Tipo de publicaçãoManual
Autor(es)Pedro Brás de Oliveira, Luís Lopes da Fonseca
EditorINRB, I.P. / Herdade Experimental da Fataca - EUBerry
Nº ou VolumeFolha de Divulgação HEF nº 1
Dia / Mêsagosto
Entidade orgânica do INIAV
Sistemas Agrários e Florestais e Sanidade Vegetal
Small fruit production (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry and currants) has a reduced expression in Portugal. The aptitude for the production of these fruits differs from one region to another, especially the ability for off season production. However, in some Portuguese regions small fruit production can be an excellent alternative to traditional fruit crops.