AGROECOLOGY - European partnership on accelerating farming systems transition – agroecology living labs and research infrastructures
Site do projeto
Código do projeto101132349
Orçamento total (€)119.999.999,98
Orçamento INIAV (€)1.222.915
Cofinanciamento (%)50%
Data de aprovação2023/07/20
Data de início2024/01/01
Data de conclusão2030/12/31
26 Estados-Membros, incluindo 72 parceiros da União Europeia, Países Associados e Países Terceiros
Principal objective:
AGROECOLOGY, the European Partnership ‘Accelerating Farming Systems Transition: Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures’, is an ambitious, large-scale European research and innovation initiative. It represents a collaboration between the European Commission, 26 Member States (MS), Associated Countries (AC), and Third Countries, involving a total of 72 partner organizations. AGROECOLOGY aims to support the agricultural sector in tackling critical challenges of climate change such as biodiversity loss, food security and sovereignty, and environmental sustainability. At the same time, it seeks to ensure that agriculture remains profitable, resilient, and appealing to farmers.
- Establish and support a network of living labs and research infrastructures to accelerate Europe transition to Agroecology.
- Create long-term, multi-stakeholder spaces for real-life experimentation and guide agroecology research at European and National levels.
- Enhance collaboration between researchers and policymakers to improve policies and governance for agroecology.
- Integrate agroecology principles into European farming systems and build a strong community of agroecologists.
- Provide farmers with data, tools, and practices to effectively implement agroecology for positive economic, climate, environmental, and social impacts.
- Develop and apply an innovative framework to monitor and evaluate agroecology transitions and their outcomes.
Partnership Coordinator: Projektträger Jülich GMBH - Germany
Co-Coordinator: Agence Nationale de la Recherche - France