FutureFoodS - European partnership for a sustainable Future of Food Systems
Site do projeto
Código do projeto101136361
Orçamento total (€)107.983.477,61
Orçamento INIAV (€)77.625,00
Cofinanciamento (%)30% (32.394.255,89€)
Data de aprovação2023-07-20
Data de início2024-06-01
Data de conclusão2033-10-31
29 países (22 Estados-Membros da União Europeia)
Objetivos, atividades e resultados esperados:
This vision has been broken down into several objectives applying across the 4 R&I area and 4 transversal activities identified by the FutureFoodS consortium in its stable draft SRIA which constitutes the strategic backbone of the project.
Four general objectives (GO) which cover:
- GO1 - functioning of FS;
- GO2 - system approaches;
- GO3 - inclusive government;
- GO4 - cocreation cases.
These general objectives have then been translated into specific objectives (SO) prioritised in line with the timescale and resources of the Partnership:
- SO1 - change the way we eat;
- SO2 - change the way we process and supply food,
- SO3 - change the way we connect with food systems and
- SO4 - change the way we govern food systems.
In addition, six interconnected operational objectives (OO) have been set:
- OO1 - Pooling R&I resources and programming;
- OO2 - Operational FS Observatory;
- OO3 - Active FS knowledge Hub of FS Labs;
- OO4 - Functioning knowledge sharing and scaling mechanisms;
- OO5 - Revisiting the SRIA;
- OO6 - Promoting, supporting, widening & gathering FS various communities.
The objectives implemented in the 8 WPs of FutureFoodS will exert impact directly or indirectly in most of the destinations of HE’s Cluster 6 2023-2024 work programme and particularly for the topic destination ‘Fair, healthy and environment-friendly food systems from primary production to consumption’ echoing to the main EU and World FS policies & strategies.
Mais informação no site do projeto: https://www.futurefoodspartnership.eu/