i-SoMPE - Innovative Soil Management Practices across Europe
Site do projeto
Código do projeto862695-i-SoMPE
Programa financiadorHorizonte 2020
Orçamento total (€)457.096,00
Orçamento INIAV (€)7.016,25
Cofinanciamento (%)44%
Data de aprovação12/04/2020
Data de início01/02/2021
25 paises
The i-SoMPE project
Innovative SMPs will be at the core of the project. Some innovative soil management and farming practices can address major EJP SOIL targets “good agricultural soil management for: climate change mitigation and adaptation, sustainable production, ecosystem services and less soil degradation”. Many European farmers are open to introduce technological innovations and sustainable management practices to make their farms more climate-smart and sustainable, but need guidelines on effective pathways to do so. Moreover, innovative technical solutions (e.g. precision farming) are often not affordable for the farmers and other barriers can also occur (e.g. no market for innovative agricultural products, climatic constraints or socio-cultural lock-ins).
Expected outputs
The project will produce an inventory of innovative and well-known SMPs for climate-smart and sustainable soil management. Furthermore we will produce an interactive tool and maps that allow the investigation of the SMPs potentials.