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Calendário de eventos

1st Egas Moniz One Health Symposium
Quinta-feira, 03 novembro 2022, 

1st egas monizThe 1st Egas Moniz One Health Symposium will be held on November 3rd, to celebrate the One Health Day. This event will offer an opportunity to deepen the networking on One Health related areas of intervention. In fact, a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, cutting across boundaries of animal, human and environmental health is imperative, requesting from the scientists, policymakers, health professionals, and society, actions that improve health outcomes and well-being of humans, animals, plants and their shared environment. These actions are urgent! Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to this discussion and be part of this initiative.

Participação do Presidente do Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, Nuno Canada na mesa-redonda com o tema "Fostering a “One World – One Medicine – One Health” Workforce – What to do next?"
